MOMO Online Safety
Instagram Online Safety
YouTube Online Safety
This is a MUST read for all parents of children who use digital devices.
DIGITAL PARENTING - A guide to help your family live a better digital life.
Often it is referred to as an online 999. By clicking on the button, young people and parents can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.
E-Safety is fundamental in our quest to keep children safe – at home and school. Regular assemblies focus upon how children should use the internet safely and the risks if children have unrestricted access to sites they are too young for. If a site has an age restriction, then it is there for the safety of all children (one social networking site has a recommended age of 13+).
The number of children who have reported incidents of ‘cyber bullying’ has increased tenfold over the last decade according to a report from ‘ChildLine’. Again, we discuss this with our children in school regularly – but the more access a child has to social networking sites- the greater the chance conversations between children can become unregulated.
It is not a school’s position to tell parents how to raise their children – we are obliged however, to advise and share concerns. The internet has so many positives (life without ‘google’, it’s hard to remember life before google!!!!!!) but the internet can also open the door to a world our children should be protected from.
If you would like further information regarding keeping your children safe on the internet please visit:
Parents' Guides | |
http://www.childnet.com/resources/know-it-all-for-parents https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/ https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/ |
Click here to read DfE 'Advice for parents on CyberBullying'
Digital Parenting Magazine -Vodafone
Vodafone produce an excellent magazine for parents and carers regarding online safety. It can be read online or read as a PDF by following the link below.
Are your children too young for social media platforms? Check the age restrictions below.
Creating a family agreement can be a good way of getting the whole family talking about online safety. It can be a tricky subject to tackle but the more open, honest and confident the whole family can feel talking about internet safety, then the safer the family will be. Childnet have produced some good templates which could be useful if you are thinking about setting up an agreement of this sort.
The Thinkuknow website is designed for children aged 5 - 16 years. There are games and advice for children including how to report. It also contains advice for parents and carers. It is well worth a look.
Helping 8 - 10 year olds stay safe online.
Safer Internet Day 2018
A special and extended assembly was held today to discuss how we use the internet and how it can impact each of us in positive and negative ways. The children took part in discussions and Key Stage 2 children were shown Lucy and the Boy clip.
Children were amazing and asked excellent questions.