The School Day
The total opening hours for Luddenham school, per week is 32.5 hours.
8:30 The school day begins: Our school senior leaders and Family Liaison Officer are on the gates (rain or shine) to welcome every child in to school at the start of the school day. Classroom doors are opened and children are welcomed in to the classroom to start their learning for the day.
9.00 Registration. We expect all our children to be in school to start learning at this time. We expect a high level of attendance and good time-keeping from our children. By being on time all our children are able to mentally prepare for the day through our positive and welcoming registration process.
9:05 Assembly: We have a whole school assembly on Mondays and a celebration on Fridays. There is a form of collective reflection each day including a singing assembly.
9:25 Learning begins: This can look differently depending on the age and expectation of the learning focus. What we can say is that learning it tailored to suit the needs of the children.
10:45 Break: Our playground is a hive of activity where we ensure ample activities to occupy the children – including a quiet area in our outdoor playground for children wishing to draw or read. (EYFS do not have a designated time for morning break at the start of the year as they flow between indoors and outdoors throughout the day)
11:00 More learning
12:00 Lunchtime: Our lunchtime staff ensure supervised games are available for all as well as a host of activities for children to participate in with their friends. The area is 'zoned' to help children know what is available.
1:00 Afternoon learning begins The afternoon timetable allows for a more ‘creative’ approach to learning. The children participate across the week in a variety of lessons as well as sport and PE. Computing is taught using a range of technology and taught across the curriculum within RE, history, geography, French, art and design technology are also taught across each term with trips out, visitors in and practical hands-on learning at the heart of bring learning to life for the children of Luddenham.
3:30 The compulsory school day finishes: The children are led to the hall or hub by their teacher to be dismissed at the end of the day. Members of staff on duty ensure all children are called from the hall/hub and sent to their carers' cars in 'car queue'. Car queue lasts until approximately 4pm.
3:30 - 4:15/30 Extra-Curricular Activities: Children are invited to attend a host of after school clubs to enrich their learning and enjoyment.
3:30 – 5:30 After-School Club: Children attending after-school club enjoy a varied timetable of activities – ranging from the more energetic sports and games, to time on the laptops ; playing traditional board games, completing homework or relaxing with a book or watching a film. Children are provided with a light tea and benefit from spending time with other children from across the school.