Home Learning
What can you do to help your child?
The biggest impact a parent can have on their child's education is to display a positive attitude and work in partnership with the school.
Effective communication between teachers and parents will ensure home and school learning together for the benefit of the child.
Home learning will always focus on consolidating and practising learning that has happened in school. Research shows that by having opportunities to repeat activities it will help it become more autonomous and secure the knowledge or skill to the long term memory.
Therefore, at Luddenham, we focus on the following subjects for home learning
Reading - we would encourage that you share a book or listen to your child read on a daily basis. Please complete what has been read in the home contact books.
Numbots/ Times Tables Rockstars - Number and times tables underpinned so many aspects of the maths curriculum and are often used in the wider curriculum. We therefore encourage regular practise of these facts to help children recall at speed and with confidence.
Phonics/ Spelling - The class teacher may send home information regarding what the learning focus is at the time. Such as a certain sound or spelling pattern. Discuss and looking for these in words as well as practising them is helpful but children will not complete a weekly test. The key is not to test weekly and the lose the information, but to learn, practise and retrieve so that it becomes embedded rather than learnt for a short period of time. Retrieval quizzes will form part of classroom practice.
Other - The class teacher may decide that a short task or question may be set to help support learning in school and will be issued when appropriate.
If you would like further learning to complete at home, we could recommend lots of places to find activities to practice learning but if lots of energy is focused on the above during their primary years, it will help them thrive later in life when we know they will be given more home learning.
Please click the link for - KS2 SATs Practice Papers