Learning Platform Info
Luddenham Home learning
Dear Families
Please find attached with this letter home learning for your child over the time we are closed.
The children have been issued a learning pack for the class and an exercise book to work in. We have also attached children’s log ins for our online learning portals.
For however long we are closed, our class teachers will be uploading a week’s worth of English and Maths learning onto their class webpage. We will be uploading before Midday on Mondays for the week ahead so children can work flexibly around parents working from home. Families can plan in their schoolwork time around their own schedules.
Your class web page will be where you can find messages from your class teacher, your weekly home learning as well as Nando challenges you can do at home.
We are aware that not all learning is academic so please do share with your teachers your art work, baking, sewing or sport skills.
Please feel free to contact school staff and class teachers if you require any further information.
At the end of this letter is a list of learning platforms, websites and apps that will assist your child in the continuation of their education in addition to their homework set by the class teacher.
Take care everyone and stay safe
Mrs Wilson
Home learning platforms/websites/apps
RadioBlogging – daily shows with interactive activities to keep everyone busy and engaged, brought to you by Pie Corbett, Deputy Mitchell, Ian Rockey and Russell Prue, just listen and blog, it’s live, fun and interactive with new educational tasks each day for your students whether at home or in school.
Speech and language link Parent portal https://speechandlanguage.info/parents
Twinkl free access https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer
Oxford Owls https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Phonics Play
Coronavirus Support materials
v Primary – a story about coronavirus. This covers:
- What coronavirus is
- The symptoms of coronavirus
- What to do if you are worried
At the end of the story, it explains to children how they can be a superhero and help slow down the spread of the virus.
v Newsround (Primary) – video for students who are worried https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51896156 Also includes a video on ‘if you are upset by the news’
v Also - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/51928415
v Talking to Anxious children about coronavirus. This covers
- Modelling calmness
- Maintaining as many normal routines as possible
- Listening actively to the child's concerns
- Acknowledging those concerns (rather than dismissing them)
- Limiting excessive reassurance
- Practising relaxation strategies
v Also a social story from Siobhan-Timmins, similar to Carol Gray’s one but written for a UK audience:
Joe Wicks is performing a workout for children every weekday morning at 9am. Please tune in for an active 30 minutes each day.