Information Websites:
Clicker and Nessy - Please contact Mrs Mannings for log in support.
- It is important to encourage children to recognise and pursue the areas in which they excel (do more of what they enjoy) and support them with the areas they find difficult.
-Allow children to use Word to complete some written tasks. This highlights spelling errors and offers alternatives. If they can’t type, encourage them to practice Touch Typing to increase speed and fluency.
-Play games to support working memory and retention e.g. pairs, Go Fish etc.
-Enable children to access age related audiobooks to develop a love of reading. Encourage (don’t force or push) them to share what’s happening in the story and share their excitement, wondering aloud what will happen next. This will also develop their vocabulary and comprehension, without them even realising that they are learning.
-Don’t make reading a fight. Encourage children to read one page and you read the next page or read aloud with them at the same time (paired reading). Reading is for pleasure and purpose so encourage them to read a whole range of texts- instructions, comics, recipes, shopping lists etc. By developing a love of books/stories and seeing reading as a life skill, children will naturally want to learn how to read.
Dancemat Typing – free beginners typing course for children. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr
Free Phonics games - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Free audio stories https://stories.audible.com/start-listen