Home Learning
Each weekday, we are following a Just Dance routine and sending the clips to Miss Allingham to create an overall dance video, as although we are not all together, we can come together through the dance videos which are created.
The link to watch all of the videos and to see which dances are coming up to be able to join in:
Please send video clips via WhatsApp to 07955709006 or via email to robin@luddenham.kent.sch.uk. I look forward to seeing your dancing faces soon!
During the lockdown period caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we now have the opportunity to provide music learning at home. Luddenham School uses the Charanga Musical School online interactive scheme, which has produced new “Music at Home Packages” for each year group, so that children can access and enjoy music education from home.
We also have a school song to learn, which is Lean On Me, which we thought was quite appropriate to the current situation! This song is available to access in the same place.
Please follow the link below to log on. If you haven't received your login details yet, or if you have any questions or problems, please contact Mr Legg via: eagle@luddenham.kent.sch.uk
As a school, we have set up log ins for all of the children on Purple Mash. For your log in, please contact Mrs Mannings at mmannings@luddenham.kent.sch.uk
Home Learning
During the school closures, you will find all daily tasks and home learning on this page for Year 4. The daily Maths and English tasks will be posted below as well as some suggestions for wider curriculum learning. Please don't forget to send through any pictures you have of the things you've been up to!
Parents, I am contactable between usual school hours on the email address peacock@luddenham.kent.sch.uk. Please feel free to contact me for support with any of the home learning.
Stay safe and see you all soon!
- Miss Reddey
Hello Peacock Class!
I am writing to you this week as I am excited about you becoming Penguin class in September and joining me for a year of fun and learning.
I have been really lucky in getting to know a lot of you already, but as a class I have never had the privilege of teaching you until now.
Therefore I would really like to get to know what you are like and for you to complete a little task for me so that I can get to know you more before September.
When you complete your task can you email them to me at penguin@luddenham.kent.sch.uk
I have created a picture below of 5 things that are important to me. I have then at the bottom explained why they are important to me. Could you do the same for me? I will also be having a sneaky look to see how well you can describe each item for me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Mr Wickham
A message from Mrs Reid

Hello future Penguin Class.
I hope that you have had a good week. I have loved seeing all the letters you have sent me telling me about what is important to you.
This week I have another challenge for you. I would like you to create a penguin for me. Below are a few examples of templates you may want to use. However you may decide to be creative and freestyle.
I would like your penguin to be personal to you, perhaps it may be wearing a certain item of clothing, or may have its hair styled in a certain way. Be as creative as you can be!!
I would love you to bring your penguins in to school in September so we can put them up on display. If you would like to send me a picture of it before then, that would also be great.
Good Luck!!
Penguin ideas
Term 5 and 6 Spellings
Daily Tasks - Week Commencing 13.07.2020
Homework Takeaway
Tasks from past weeks: