Homework is designed as a method to consoldiate what we have been learning in school. it should not take a huge amount of time, but be a way for a children to develop independence in their learning.
If your child finds the homework difficult please let me know or leave a comment in their planner so that we can focus on working on those skills more at school.
At the moment homework will consist of 3 pieces - a times tables task, a spelling list and reading. Please find details of your child's homework on the website if you are unsure of what it is your child needs to complete.
Homework should be handed in by Wednesday. The spellings test will take place on a wednesday as well as a weekly times tables test.
"Reading takes us on amazing adventures" S Cook 2013
Please also encourage your child to read, then question them on what they are reading to ensure they have a good understanding of the text. Remember to read on a Wednesday evening and get it signed off by an adult for Thursday morning and the whole school Buster's Book Club competition! I am happy to accept a signed note, or planner so do not panic if you cannot find your bookmark.
If you are struggling with what to recommend your child reads please do not hesitate to ask us for some suggestions. You may even want to try other stories by the author of our current class book.