Key Dates
Please find a list of key dates specific to Year 4 (more dates and information will be added or sent home throughout the year):
Term 1:
Friday 13th September 2019 - Roald Dahl dress up day.
Friday 4th October 2019 - The Hobbit Production (whole school watching)
Monday 7th October 2019 - Grandparents Day (more information to follow).
Tuesday 8th October 2019 - Share the Learning afternoon (more information to follow).
Tuesday 15th October 2019 - Rangers Day (more information to follow).
Thursday 30th September 2019 - National Poetry Day
Term 2:
Thursday 31st October 2019 - Individual School Photos.
Friday 1st November 2019 - KS2 Halloween Party.
Tuesday 5th November 2019 - Year 4 Class Assembly (14:30 start)
Tuesday 12th November 2019 - Rangers Day.
Friday 15th November 2019 - Reports sent home.
Friday 15th November 2019 - Pudsey Day for Children in Need
Monday 18th November 2019 - Parents Evening (16:10-20:00).
Tuesday 19th November 2019 - Parents Evening (16:10-17:45).
Friday 6th December 2019 - Christmas Fair.
Monday 9th December 2019 - Christmas Shop (Friends).
Friday 13th December 2019 - Christmas Jumper Day, Talent Show Heats and School Christmas Dinner Day.
Monday 16th December 2019 - Year 3 and 4 Christmas Show 13:30 start.
Wednesday 18th December 2019 (am) - Talent Show Final for invited parents only.
Term 3:
Monday 13th January 2020 - Share the Learning.
Tuesday 21st January 2020 - Ranger Day.
Friday 31st January 2020 - Movie Night (Friends event).
Term 4:
Wednesday 4th March 2020 - World Maths Day.
Thursday 5th March 2020 - World Book Day.
Tuesday 10th March 2020 - Rangers Day.
Friday 13th March 2020 - Sport Relief.
Friday 13th March 2020 - Reports sent home.
Monday 16th March 2020 - Parents Evening (16:10-20:00).
Tuesday 17th March 2020 - Parents Evening (16:00-17:45).
Wednesday 1st April 2020 - KS2 Easter Disco.
Term 5:
Tuesday 28th April 2020 - Rangers Day.
Friday 22nd May 2020 - Share the Learning.
Term 6:
Friday 12th June 2020 - Non-school Uniform for child prizes.
Tuesday 16th June 2020 - Year 4 Class Assembly (14:30 start).
Tuesday 23rd June - Ranger Day.
Friday 26th June 2020 - Non-school Uniform for adult prizes.
Thursday 2nd July 2020 - Transition Day.
Friday 3rd July 2020 - Swimming Gala.
Saturday 4th July 2020 - Summer Fair.
Monday 6th July 2020 - Sports Day (KS2 in pm).
Friday 10th July 2020 - Reports sent home.