Reasons to be cheerful page!
Reasons to be cheerful!
At this difficult time we would like to spread a little happiness, so we have decided to create a "Reasons to be Cheerful" page. We would like to encourage children to send in photos and or videos of things that they are doing (poems, jokes, songs, playing, laughing, dancing, writing etc) so that we can post these on our website, Facebook and Twitter. Let's share and celebrate our wonderful children at Luddenham Primary school. Please email your Reasons to be Cheerful to
Hello Luddenham, please find a heartfelt message from all the staff who miss you greatly! Keep positive and keep safe and hopefully we will see you all soon!
Luddenham's Distance Dancing Videos
Luddenham's Distance Dancing
1: Dynamite, 2: YMCA, 3: Watch Me Whip, 4: Hey Ya, 5: Baby Shark, 6: High Hopes, 7: Gummy Bear, 8: Swish Swish, 9: Macarena, 10: Bang Bang, 11: Banana Banana Meatball, 12: One Way or Another, 13: Wake Me Up, 14: Uptown Funk, 15: Kiss You, 16: I Love It, 17: 24K Magic, 18: U Can't Touch This, 19: Kung Fu Fighting, 20: Pound the Alarm, 21: Timber, 22: Old Town Road, 23: Firework, 24: The Final Countdown, 25: Wake Me Up (Before You Go Go), 26: Superstition, 27: Shape of You, 28: Rockabye, 29: Happy, 30: I Got You (I Feel Good), 31: Karma Chameleon, 32: I Wanna Dance With Somebody, 33: Best Song Ever, 34: Black Magic, Day 35: Footloose, 36: Another One Bites the Dust, 37: Mamma Mia, 38: How Far I'll Go, 39: We're All In This Together, 40: Ghostbusters, 41: Sweet but Psycho, 42: Wannabe, 43: Bare Necessities, Day 44: Blinding Lights, 45: Hoedown Throwdown, 46: Blue (Da Ba Dee), 47: Don't Stop Me Now, 48: I'm So Excited, 49: Dancing Queen, 50: Party Rock Anthem, 51: Single Ladies, 52: New Rules, 53: Proud Mary, 54: Gangnam Style, 55: Eye of the Tiger, 56: ET, 57: Jump In The Line, 58: Under The Sea, 59: Spice Up Your Life, 60: All About That Bass, 61: Jump On It, 62: I've Got a Dream, 63: One Thing, 64: Sway, 65: Rasputin, 66: Into The Unknown, 67: Never Gonna Give You Up, 68: Who Let The Dogs Out, 69: Pump It, 70: Everybody, 71: Chillin' Like A Villain, 72: I Like To Move It, 73: That Power, 74: Just Dance, 75: Jump For My Love, 76: Jai Ho, 77: Did I Mention, 78: I Don't Care, 79: Rain On Me, 80: Ice Ice Baby, 81: Troublemaker, 82: Let It Go, 83: In The Summertime, 84: Holiday.
Year 6 are still working hard whether they are at home or school!

Year 6 have been busy doing Mrs Nye's Sports Day Challenges and doing some Science investigations to test the best beak!

Year 6 have been busy completing virtual residential challenges at home and at school. We have seen raft building, camping inside and outside, putting on their own bedding alongside some tricky maths!

Douglas enjoyed recieving his May Challenge certificate in the post this morning!
The Mitchell's have been hard at work. They have ticked lots off of the May Challenge!

Well done ES! Super work creating your own miniature book as part of the half term challenge! Your book - Mr Moo - looks fantastic!

Lots of May Challenges completed by lots of families and lots of smiling faces! Well done Luddenham - certificates will be with you all shortly!

Douglas has been busy again - ticking lots more off the May Challenge!
The Simpsons have been busy completing the May Challenge!

Miss Allingham has received a lovely letter after it was posted to the school. Thank you Aiyone!
Another May Challenge success from Douglas - he has been busy mapping out his family tree!
The Southworths have both been busy tackling different activities off of the May Challenge!
Year 1 pirate letter and story writing!

Raspberry picking, marshmallow toasting and letter writing!
Number sentences, exclamations, arrays and a paper plane!
Work on the story of Pippety Skycap
A warning poster and fun with playdough!
Year 1 - Short Story
Work on the seasons and Pippety Skycap the pixie!

The Gurney's made a picnic lunch for their family and played a marathon game of Monopoly across 4 days!

Douglas has been busy completing more off the May Challenge!

More busy year 6s having fun between the work set! Lovely to see so many smiling faces still!

Some more busy children working hard from home this week in year 6. This week they have created wishes for after lockdown, some escape room maths activities to get the code to unlock the room! They also created some test paper style maths for Miss Blay to complete! Well done year 6!

Nicholas has been busy and has completed 10 of the May Challenge activities so far! Keep going Nicholas!
Year 6 have been busy over the weekend and have been successfully working through Monday's challenges!

Douglas continues through the May Challenges by enjoying his new Roald Dahl board game!
Some more mocktails made from year 6, some work about the blood in our bodies and enjoying the sunshine outside!
A Wonderfully Decorated House and a Smiley Aria for VE Day!
Lots of fun has been had by the Nyes and the Southworths - they have been enjoying the sunshine and ticking off more May Challenge tasks!
Ellie has been enjoying our class text read by Miss Blay called Cogheart - she has then made an impressive needlefelt model of one of the main characters (Malkin).
Year 6 have enjoyed looking at the four components that make up blood this week. They have then created and shown the representations in a range of ways! Keep up the hard work Kingfishers!
Amber loved making her ratio Math Mocktails on Wednesday - they look pretty impressive! Grace had to join in on the fun too!

Some more Maths Mocktails by Monty along with a French menu from the May Challenge!
Theo enjoyed making Mocktails today along with completing lots of the May Challenge grid!
In year 6 we have been looking at fractions, percentages, measurements and ratios - Lewis had fun applying this in our Mocktail Making Maths activity today!
Some more May Challenges from Douglas!
Sienna's been busy in the kitchen making flatbreads!
Douglas has kicked started the May Challenge by making ham and cheese omelletes for lunch! Great effort and looks incredible!
The Southworths have designed, budgeted, shopped for and cooked a delicious three course meal for their family!
A beautiful sea glass picture!

Using Numicon for maths!
The Great Fire of London, Ants, Cake and Time!
Draw with Rob World Record Attempt!
Year 1 - Capacity and Minibeasts!
Year 1 Maths, Great Fire of London and Cake Description Work!
Creativy, coin work and walking in the woods!
A very busy Eagle - again!
VE Day Bunting ready for 8th May!
A beautiful chalk house!
Brilliant work on the Great Fire of London!

A very busy Eagle!
Stable Management!

A wonderful chalk rainbow!
Nathaniel and Eryn have kickstarted the May Challenge off with a game of cluedo and some den building!
Rainbows and Splashing in Puddles!
A beautiful picture by a beautiful girl!
Some more super activities completed by year 6 - den building, Rock Festival planning, Camping, Bird house building, stories written and descriptions! Well done Year 6!
Fantastic story writing, and exploring with forest school learning from home!

Year 1 - Baker's Shop Sensory Poems

Writing, cooking, creating a scrapbook, painting, washing the car and Cluedo!
More Amazing Activities!
An acrostic poem, a Thankful Thursday task completed and a great descriptive section of the next part of the Cogheart story from Theo!

Amazing to see writing coming in! I have recieved two fantastic stories written by Year 6s this week - take a read at their imaginative ideas!
Some Victorian menu/cooking research resulted in this incredible looking Lemon Tart being created by Amber - jealous I cannot try it!

Amongst lots of hardwork, Year 6 have been exploring the countryside around them, learning to play chess, finding Bluebells, completing virtual escape rooms, building dens and being creative!
Thank you NHS
There have been lots of fun activities happening with year 6 and their families! Thank you for the birthday wishes too year 6!
Look at all these amazing activities!
Is there a better way to enjoy story time than to be all cosy amongst lots of cushions? Here is JB listening to Miss Reddey read How to Train Your Dragon on youtube! We're glad you're enjoying the story!
Wishing Box! What a lovely idea! Whenever you wish you could do something that you can't do at the moment, put it in the box. Once things are back to normal, take wishes from the box and make them come true!
Easter Holiday Learning!

Miss Blay and CP got creative today whilst Mrs Cheeseman, AJ and MP cleaned out the chickens! Then all the girls attempted to create a theatre!

Easter fun and being creative!